Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vestibulum vehicula massa vitae elementum. Vestibulum faucibus magna diam, quis aliquet est gravida a. Vivamus enim diam, convallis id nibh vel, bibendum posuere ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla non ultrices dolor. Fusce eget porta urna. Nullam vel aliquet augue. Fusce ut erat varius neque lobortis suscipit eget at nisl. Proin commodo mi quis euismod finibus. Curabitur cursus nec dui ac blandit. Aliquam mollis diam id ex dictum elementum at ac elit. Phasellus vel finibus risus. Praesent cursus ac magna eu consectetur. Duis convallis mauris ut tempor accumsan. Suspendisse tortor ligula, aliquam a dui at, faucibus semper purus..
The “Professionals Registration Forum among Academicians” was organized in a hybrid mode at Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, hosted by the IET Malaysia Local Network’s Registration Standard and Support Group (RSSG).
The forum session was moderated by Dr. Grace Chai Mei Ting. It was an extraordinary experience with high profile, talented and experienced panellists Prof. Ir. Dr. Zainal Kadir, FASc, Prof. Ir. Dr. Wai Yie LEONG and EUR ING Asst. Prof. Ir. Victor Nagesparen.The speakers are from a broad range of institutions and industries. They talked about their careers and explained how becoming professionally registered has benefitted them and their employer. Each journey is unique. The professional registration is as important for you as it is for those working in industry!
The more ambitious students will already have set their sights on reaching the highest standards of professionalism, by gaining professional registration status. Holding one of these titles enables academicians to lead by example. Academicians will not only enjoy the benefits of status and recognition, but they will also gain credibility with their students. Can you afford not to
It’s already been three months since I became the 141st President of this historic institution that I’ve been a member of since I was a student. I feel extremely honoured to be in this position.
It’s already been three months since I became the 141st President of this historic institution that I’ve been a member of since I was a student. I feel extremely honoured to be in this position.
Before I tell you a little bit about my experiences so far, I have an important piece of news to share with you.Over the past six months we have run an extensive recruitment search to find the IET’s new Chief Executive and Secretary (CES) that will lead the organisation into a new chapter following Nigel Fine’s retirement earlier this year.I am delighted to announce that Ed Almond has been successful in the permanent appointment of Chief Executive and Secretary with immediate effect.Ed has worked at the IET for 21 years, holding the position of Director of Finance before most recently becoming our interim CES. He has extensive knowledge of the workings of the organisation and is passionate about our purpose.I am sure you will all join me in congratulating Ed on his permanent appointment.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mattis nunc turpis, id elementum quam finibus vitae. Pellentesque at porta quam. Aliquam posuere enim sit amet nisi dictum, in luctus libero facilisis. Quisque leo sapien, scelerisque et nibh vitae, fermentum auctor ligula. Nunc dignissim dapibus augue non aliquet. Aliquam semper viverra quam non vulputate. Pellentesque hendrerit orci id condimentum congue. Cras ut sollicitudin nibh. Curabitur ac lobortis arcu, quis suscipit nisl. Vestibulum congue felis sed molestie suscipit. Aenean quis porttitor sem, eu pellentesque magna. Duis felis arcu, iaculis vel suscipit non, dictum a nisl. Donec tempor ex in enim aliquam fermentum. Curabitur sit amet gravida nisl.
All Past Presidents of the Chamber shall become Life Members with all the rights, duties and responsibilities as Charter Member.
The Charter Members of the Chamber, being the founders, are the eleven (11) incorporators and other original members of the chamber. They shall have the same rights, duties and responsibilities as regualr Members for life.
Felix Maramba, Jr.
Fred J. Elizalde
Hilarion G. Henares, Sr.
Ireneo J. Obligacion III
J. Roberto C. Delgado
Jesus V. Del Rosario
Jose Luis Yulo
Jose M. Barriedo, Jr.
Jose Mabanta, Sr.
Jose S. Concepcion, Jr.
Mariano V. Del Rosario
Pablo Carlos, Jr.
Paulino S. Dionisio, Jr.
Petronilo F. Guevarra
Ramon A. Pedrosa
Raul A. Boncan
Ricardo P. Guevarra
Roberto Ongpin
Rosalinda G. Antiporda
Sixto K. Roxas
Victor S. Barrios
Antonio A. Chuidaian (Deceased
Benjamin Gozon (Deceased)
Ceferino L. Follosco, Sr. (Deceased)
Dante Santos (Deceased)
Don Pio Pedrosa (Deceased)
Dr. Aurelio Periquet, Jr. (Deceased)
Emilio Abello (Deceased)
Ernest Kahn (Deceased)
Francisco R. Floro (Deceased)
Gil J. Puyat, Sr. (Deceased)
Gregorio T. Licaros, Jr. (Deceased)
Jose P. Madrigal (Deceased)
Jose P. Marcelo, Sr. (Deceased)
Jose S. De Leon (Deceased)
Leonardo Ty (Deceased)
Manuel Lim, Sr. (Deceased)
Manuel P. Manahan (Deceased)
Miguel B. Varela (Deceased)
Miguel V. Campos (Deceased)
Perfecto Manalac (Deceased)
Teofilo G. Reyes, Jr. (Deceased)
Venancio C. Go (Deceased)
Vicente Angliongto (Deceased)
Victor A. Lim (Deceased)
Simio C. Medalla (Deceased)
Roberto S. Benedicto (Deceased)
Raoul G. Inocentes (Deceased)
We look forward to an amazing time with you all ahead. We are very sure that you all will always rise and shine and bring appreciation to the institution. But as I welcome you, I would like to talk to you about life in this beautiful place and acknowledge you for the experience that will come across you.